Five Predictions on Vaccine Bottle in 2019

They are sobering statistics: each day, 18,000 children die from ailments such as diarrhoea, malaria, and pneumonia. Nearly half of that total expires prior to their first month. Add to the 800 moms who die every day from conditions such as post-partum haemorrhage and illnesses, high blood pressure during pregnancy and unsafe abortions. Over half of these maternal and child deaths occur in countries affected by conflict, disasters and fragility.
Many of these deaths can be prevented through cheap, easy, frequently community-based solutions which enhance local health care, enhance access and aid to address health inequities for women, children and adolescents. Working together with its international partners, the Canadian Red Cross has made significant contributions to saving lives in remote, impoverished regions by enhancing local health programs.
Canadian Red Cross programs to address women's and children's health have particularly demonstrated critical in countries affected by conflict and disaster, where lots of children and girls are cut off from essential health services.

Cases of where Canadian Red Cross efforts have made a difference:

● Kenya: Within time, a 45 per cent growth in babies exclusively breastfed for six months.
● Honduras: Urging men to take a larger role in preventing maternal and child mortality.
● Mali: Increasing number of newborns who received a healthcare visit by 19 percent.
● Pakistan: delivering thousands of messages encouraging girls to receive antenatal care.
● Philippines: Assisting in the delivery of over 400 infants in the month after Typhoon Haiyan.
● Syria: Supporting five nourishment centers to treat malnutrition in children.
These include a metal lid, with rubber in the center where the needle moves into draw the liquid vaccination out. It just seems a shame to throw a lot of cool little vaccine bottles off, but they're not recyclable.
I'd be interested in taking these off anybody's hands to use for crafts. I didn't even think about asking my vet for theirs but today I am going to.
I use similar bottles for clay projects. I get them from my vets office. She's careful that which she gives me. I take them home and wash them up. I decorate them with polymer clay and donate them for bottles of trust. I put my own spin on it and contribute a few straight back into the vet for those who loose their pets. Vet and employees love it. Make great keep sake bottles for babies first tooth or a lock of hairloss. Stores easily and keeps them protected.